NAL Itä-Uusimaa

NAL Itä-Uusimaa provides guidancE on how to live alone

NAL Itä-Uusimaa has been helping young people with housing issues for more than 20 years. We have provided guidance and education on how to live alone and manage with all new responsibilities’ independency brings along. We are a local association – a part of The Finnish Youth Housing Association.

The goal of the local association is to develop and facilitate youth housing in Itä-Uusimaa. We assist and help, educate and provide information. We want to make it possible for every young person to become independent and live on their own. We want young adults to feel safe and be aware of all the issues connected to rental living.

Our personnel work close to our tenants – they are always ready to help. In order to fulfil our goals, we work together with local associates and the umbrella organization.

Our values


Contact info

Marika Kaitaranta

Executive Director

tel. +358 40 548 8880

Nea Hovila

Housing Counselor

tel. +358 41 311 1325


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